Erasing Parts of a Schedule

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Erasing Parts of a Schedule

SCOOTER Pro™'s Schedule Detail grid supports the erasing of selected sections of a schedule. The selected sections will be cleared without the necessity of accessing each individual cell of the grid.

To select a single column, position the mouse on the header where it will turn into a downward pointing arrow. Left click to select the entire column. Alternately, left click on a cell and drag down and to the right to select a block of cells. Any portion of the grid can be selected, including entire rows.


Column selection (left), Block selection (right)

When such a selection is made, the Erase button Erase becomes available on the tool bar. Click it to delete all information within the highlighted section. The selected cells can also be erased by pressing Ctrl + D on your keyboard.

Any erasure can be reversed by immediately clicking the Undo button Undo on the tool bar.