Importing SCOOTER 5 Data

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Importing SCOOTER 5 Data

When you start SCOOTER for the first time, the program checks your system for a copy of SCOOTER 5. If it is found, SCOOTER asks if you want to import your existing clients, schedules, and settings into version 6.

If you do not want to import at this time, you can import later by selecting Tools > Import SCOOTER 5 Schedules from the main window tool bar. However, importing in this manner will replace any duplicate data you have entered. For this reason, it is recommended that you choose to import version 5 data immediately and then make any adjustments desired.

The import feature also includes an option to import SCOOTER 5's preference settings. These settings include the currency and date format, printing and display options, backup settings, etc. This option is selected by default. If you prefer to retain SCOOTER 6's default settings, remove the check mark next to this item before beginning the import and the preference settings from SCOOTER 5 will not be copied to version 6.