Getting Help

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Getting Help

SCOOTER features a number of ways to get help when using the program. These include:

Press the F1 function key. This works on any window and provides general information on the window currently displayed. It is the same as...

Clicking the Help button on any window. If the window has a tool bar, the help button will appear as Help, otherwise it will be found (usually) at the lower left corner of the window Help Button.

For help on a specific section of the currently displayed window, position the mouse pointer over it and press F1.

When the Help file is open, click the Index tab to see a complete cross index of subjects and terms.

Click the Search tab of the Help file and enter a word or words, then click List Topics to see all topics that contain those search terms.

In Program Settings, select the Program Options section and place a check mark in the box Enable tool tip pop-up help. This will allows the program to display a brief pop-up help message about many of the individual sections of the window. This feature is enabled by default.

Helpful Tips

This Help file also contains Performance Tips in many of the topics. These are things that assist you in getting the most from using SCOOTER.

Performance Tip Each tip is marked by this light bulb icon to help it stand out. Most of these tips are included in the Performance Tips topic, as well.

Having Problems?

If you encounter a technical issue with SCOOTER, you can get help resolving it by submitting a Service Report.