Purchase Additional SCOOTER Pro License Keys
The initial purchase of a SCOOTER Pro license key is $29.95. Additional license keys at the time of the initial purchase are available at the discounted price of $19.95 (just over 33% off!).
Unfortunately, some users only decide they need additional keys after the first purchase. This page allows you to "go back in time" and get those extra license keys you didn't think you would need -- and get them at the discounted price. And who says we're not nice guys?
Here's how it works: In the field below, enter any one of your previously purchased license keys for SCOOTER Pro, then click the Submit button. If the key is for a valid SCOOTER Pro license, you'll be able to purchase one or more additional licenses, each for the discounted price of $19.95.
(Hint: You can easily get your license key by opening SCOOTER and on the main menu select Help > License Key. Click on the "Copy to Clipboard" button, then paste the key in the box below. Simple!)
Please note: we reserve the right to discontinue this offer at any time.