Sales Rep Information

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Sales Rep Information

Every client must have a specific sales representative assigned in order for the client to have a schedule in SCOOTER.

Sales Rep Information

Sales Rep Information

Selecting an existing sales rep and entering a new rep functions identically to that described in Client Information. Beyond selecting a sales rep name from the list (or entering a new name), all remaining fields can remain blank. As with clients, sales reps may be added, edited, and deleted via the Database Manager.

When using SCOOTER Pro™o™ on a network, the behavior of this section is different. See Network Differences for details.

Assigning a Default Sales Rep

A sales rep can be assigned as the default rep for a client. This will cause the rep selected to always be assigned each time a new schedule is created for that client. To make the currently selected sales rep the default, click the Set Default button next to the sales rep Name field. The program will ask you to confirm your action.

The setting of a default sales rep does not alter the sales rep for any previously created schedules for that client. You are also free to select a different sales rep other than the default without affecting the default setting for future schedules.

To change a default sales rep for a client, select or create a new sales rep for a client's schedule, then click Set Default. To return a client to having no default rep, edit the client in the Database Manager. There, the default rep may set to "None".