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The Comments & Disclaimer tab of the Schedule Information window is where terms and conditions or similar information regarding the schedule can be entered. This information is printed at the end of the schedule just before the optional signature block. All of the following support Text Substitution and Spell Check.

Comment Title

Comment Title

The text entered in this field serves as the optional title for the Comments. The title is centered at the top of the first comments page. If no title is specified, the space the text would have occupied is eliminated.


Comment Text Area

Comment Text Area

The Comments field can accept up to 10,000 characters of text. Comments are optional, but can assist your client in taking an informed decision on the schedule. Comments can be as simple as reminding the client that "All ads on this schedule are 60-seconds in length". Legalese can be included to turn the document into a pseudo-contract. For example: "I hereby affirm my approval of this schedule by my signature and agree to provide a two-week advance written notice should I elect to cancel this order."

The Alignment setting determines the alignment of the comment text on the generated PDF document. Choices are Left, which is the default, Right, or Centered.

The Display size value determines the size of the on screen text to aid in viewing. Click the Use Default Text button to load the default comment text set in Comments/Disclaimer in Program Settings. Note that if the Auto box is checked in Comments/Disclaimer, the default comment text is loaded automatically when the schedule is created.


Disclaimer Text Area

Disclaimer Text Area

This section allows you to enter text that appears at the bottom of some or all pages of the schedule. Click the Use Default Text button to import the default disclaimer text you specified in the Comments/Disclaimer section of Program Settings, or manually enter the appropriate disclaimer for this schedule. This is an appropriate place to specify information such as "ALL RATES NET" or "ALL RATES GROSS".

The first drop down list determines on which pages the disclaimer will appear. Choices are Disable, Last Page, and All Pages.

The Print size setting determines the point size of the printed disclaimer. Use the small up/down arrows next to the setting to change the point value. Available point sizes range from 6-10 points. Display size adjusts the size of the on screen text to aid in viewing and is adjusted in the same manner.

The Alignment setting determines the alignment of the disclaimer text on the generated PDF document. Choices are Left, which is the default, Right, or Centered.

The Disclaimer is available only in SCOOTER Pro™.